Olympus 9000 User Manual

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STYLUS-9000 /
● ThankyouforpurchasinganOlympusdigitalcamera.Beforeyoustartto
optimumperformance anda longerservice life.Keep thismanual ina
● We recommend that you take test shots to get accustomed to your
● Intheinterestofcontinuallyimprovingproducts,Olympusreserves the
● Thescreenandcameraillustrationsshowninthismanualwereproduced
Instruction Manual
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Summary of Contents

Page 1 - STYLUS-9000 /

DIGITAL CAMERASTYLUS-9000 / µ-9000● ThankyouforpurchasinganOlympusdigitalcamera.Beforeyoustarttouseyournewcamera,pleasereadthesein

Page 2 - Contents

10ENPreparing the Camera Batterycomespartiallycharged.Beforeuse,besuretochargethebatteryuntilthechargingindicatorgoesoff(forappro

Page 3 - Using the Menu

11EN Slidingthebatterylockknobinthedirectionofthearrowtounlock,andthenremovethebattery. Besuretoturnoffthecamerawhenyouope

Page 4 - Using the Direct Buttons

12ENTo remove the xD-Picture Card1 2 Pressinthecarduntilitclicksandcomesoutslightly,andthengraspthecardtopullitout.Using a microSD

Page 5 - Menu Index

13ENArrow pad and operation guideThesymbols,    displayedonvarioussettingandmovieplaybackscreensindicatethatarrowpadareused.20

Page 6 - Names of Parts

14EN4 As in steps 2 and 3, use klmn and the n button to set [M] (month), [D] (day), and [TIME] (hours and minutes), and [Y/M/D] (date order). For

Page 7

15ENShooting, Viewing, and Erasing3 Hold the camera, and compose the shot.1/400 F3.5PHorizontalgripVerticalgripMonitor Whenholdingthecamera,ta

Page 8 - Stillimage Movie

16EN5 To take the picture, gently press the shutter button all the way down while being careful not to shake the camera.ImagereviewscreenPressfull

Page 9 - Still image Movie

17ENTo play back moviesSelectamovie,andpressthenbutton.2009.08.26 12:30100-00044INMOVIE PLAYOKMovieOperations during movie playbackVolume:Duri

Page 10 - Preparing the Camera

18ENEnhancing skin tone and texture (b mode)Thecamerandsaperson’sfaceandgivestheskinasmooth,translucentlookfortakingthepicture.1 Se

Page 11 - Loading the battery and

19ENShooting with automatic settings (A mode)Thecamerawillautomaticallyselecttheoptimalshootingmodeforthescene.Thisisafullyautomaticm

Page 12 - (sold separately)

2ENStep5Step2Step4Step3How to Use the Camera“ThreeTypesofSettingOperations”(p.3)Printing“Directprinting(PictBridge)”(p.46)“PrintRese

Page 13 - Setting the date and time

20EN Thezoombarappearanceidentiesthestatusofthenezoom/digitalzoom.FinezoomrangeDigitalzoomrangeWhenusingopticalzoomWhenusingne

Page 14 - Changing the display language

21EN2 Use mn to select the setting option, and press the n button to set.Item DescriptionFLASHAUTOTheashresautomaticallyinlow-lightorbackli

Page 15 - Shooting with optimum

22ENUsing the self-timerAftertheshutterbuttonispressedallthewaydown,thepictureistakenafteratimedelay.1 Press the Y button.OFFPOKOK12

Page 16 - To shoot movies

23ENUsing the FUNC menuTheFUNCmenuprovidesthefollowingmenufunctionsthatcanbequicklycalledandset.[WB](p.27)•[ESP/n](p.28)•[ISO](p.2

Page 17 - To stop movie playback

24ENUsing Playback FeaturesIndex view, calendar view, and close-up viewIndexviewandcalendarviewenablequickselectionofatargetimage.Close-up

Page 18 - Using Shooting Modes

25ENPlaying back panorama imagesPanoramaimagesthatwerecombinedtogetherusing[COMBINEINCAMERA1]or[COMBINEINCAMERA2]canbescrolledforv

Page 19 - Shooting movies (n mode)

26ENMenus for Shooting FunctionsWhenthemodedialissettoashootingmodeposition(AKbA),settingscanbeadjusted. indicatespositionsof

Page 20 - Using Shooting Functions

27ENAdjust the settings for the functions while referring to “Using the Menu” (p. 3).Adjusting to a natural color scheme [WB]BCAMERAMENUWB :K

Page 21 - (Macro shooting)

28ENShooting at higher magnications than optical zoom without reducing the image quality [FINE ZOOM]BCAMERAMENUFINEZOOM:KbSubmenu 2 Applic

Page 22 - Changing the shooting

29ENAdjust the settings for the functions while referring to “Using the Menu” (p. 3).Recording sound when shooting still images [R]BCAMERAMENUR:

Page 23 - (Backlight boost)

1 SetthemodedialtoapositionotherthanA. The symbolin“MenuSettings”(p.26to45)indicatesavailableshootingmodes.2 Pressthebutt

Page 24 - Using Playback Features

30ENSelecting a scene mode according to the shooting situation [O SCENE MODE]OSCENEMODE: Inmode,theoptimumshootingsettingsarepre-progra

Page 25 - Playing back panorama

31ENAdjust the settings for the functions while referring to “Using the Menu” (p. 3).Creating panoramic images [N PANORAMA]NPANORAMA:KSubmenu 1 A

Page 26 - Menus for Shooting Functions

32ENTaking pictures with [COMBINE IN CAMERA 2]1Usemntoselectthedirectionthattheframesarecombined.MENUCANCELDirectionforcombiningthenext


33ENAdjust the settings for the functions while referring to “Using the Menu” (p. 3).Restoring the shooting functions to the default settings [D RESET


34ENMenus for Playback, Editing, and Printing Functions Thedefaultsettingsofthefunctionarehighlightedin .Whenthemodedialissettotheq


35ENAdjust the settings for the functions while referring to “Using the Menu” (p. 3).When [CLEAR SKIN] is selectedUsekltoselecttheretouchingleve

Page 30 - [O SCENE MODE]

36ENAdding a calendar to an image [CALENDAR]IEDITCALENDAROKCALENDARSET1Usemn toselectanimage,andthenpressthenbutton.2Usemn toselect

Page 31 - [N PANORAMA]

37ENAdjust the settings for the functions while referring to “Using the Menu” (p. 3).Rotating images [y]JPLAYBACKMENUySubmenu 2 ApplicationU+90°

Page 32

38ENSaving print settings to the image data [L PRINT ORDER]LPRINTORDER “PrintReservations(DPOF)”(p.49) Printreservationcanonlybesetfors

Page 33 - Submenu 1 Application

39ENAdjust the settings for the functions while referring to “Using the Menu” (p. 3).Menus for Other Camera Settings Thedefaultsettingsofthefunc

Page 34 - Printing Functions

4ENUsing the FUNC Menu (p. 23)FrequentlyusedshootingmenufunctionscanbesetwithlessstepsusingtheFUNCmenu.Using the Direct ButtonsFrequentl

Page 35 - [COLOR EDIT]

40ENSetting the startup display screen and sound when the camera is turned on [PW ON SETUP]ESETUPPWONSETUPSubmenu 2 Submenu 3 ApplicationSCREENO

Page 36 - Protecting images [0]

41ENAdjust the settings for the functions while referring to “Using the Menu” (p. 3).Viewing the image immediately after shooting [REC VIEW]ESETUP

Page 37 - Erasing images [K ERASE]

42ENResetting the le name numbers of pictures [FILE NAME]ESETUPFILENAMEMonth:1toC(A=October,B=November,C=December)Day:01to31PmddFoldern

Page 38 - [L PRINT ORDER]

43ENAdjust the settings for the functions while referring to “Using the Menu” (p. 3).Adjusting the brightness of the monitor [s]ESETUPsTo adjust t


44ENSelecting the video signal system to match your TV [VIDEO OUT]ESETUPVIDEOOUT TheTVvideosignalsystemvariesdependingonthecountriesan

Page 40 - [PW ON SETUP]

45ENAdjust the settings for the functions while referring to “Using the Menu” (p. 3).Saving battery power between shots [POWER SAVE]ESETUPPOWERSA


46ENPrinting2 Turn on the printer, and then connect the printer and camera.ConnectorcoverUSBcable(supplied)Multi-connectorOKPC/CUSTOM PRINTEASY PR

Page 42 - (Submenu2)isdisplayed

47ENChanging the printer’s settings for printing [CUSTOM PRINT]1 Follow Steps 1 and 2 for [EASY PRINT] (p. 46), then press the n button.EASY PRINTUSB

Page 43 - Setting the date and time [X]

48EN6 Use mn to select an image.7 Press k to make a [SINGLE PRINT] reservation for the current image. Press l if you wish to adjust detailed printe

Page 44

49EN10 Use kl to select [PRINT], and press the n button.Printingstarts.When[OPTIONSET]isselectedin[ALLPRINT]mode,[PRINTINFO]screenisdisp

Page 45 - [F SILENT MODE]

5EN51G SLIDESHOW... p.342HPERFECTFIX... p.343MBEAUTYFIX... p.344I EDITQ(Resize)... p.35

Page 46 - Printing

50EN3 Use kl to select [<], and press the n button.x12M2009.08.26 12:30100-000440NORMSETOK4 Use mn to select the image for print reservation. Use


51ENResetting the print reservation data for selected images1 Follow Steps 1 and 2 of “Resetting all print reservation data” (p. 50).2 Use kl to sel

Page 48 - To crop an image [P]

52ENUsing OLYMPUS Master 2WindowsAfterthecomputerdetectsthecamera,amessageindicatingthecompletionofthesettingappears.Conrmthemessage

Page 49 - Single-frame print

53ENOperating OLYMPUS Master 2WhenOLYMPUSMaster2isstarted,QuickStartGuideappearsonthescreenthathelpsyoutohandlethecamerawithoutan

Page 50 - Submenu 2 Application

---- -- -- -- --XY MY M DD TIMEMENUCANCEL54ENUsage TipsIfthecameradoesnotworkasintended,orifanerrormessageisdisplayedonthescreen,and

Page 51

55ENError message Whenoneofthemessagesbelowisdisplayedonthemonitor,checkthecorrectiveaction.Error message Corrective actionqCARD ERRORC

Page 52 - Using OLYMPUS Master 2

56ENShooting tipsWhenyouareunsureofhowtotakeapicturethatyouenvision,refertotheinformationbelow.Focusing“Focusing on the subject”Takin

Page 53 - OLYMPUS Master 2

57ENCamera shake“Taking pictures (or movies) without camera shake”Taking pictures using [IMAGE STABILIZER] (p. 29)Whenapictureistakenofashadowy

Page 54 - Usage Tips

58ENBattery“Making battery last longer”Avoid performing the following operations as much as possible as they use up battery power even if no pictures

Page 55 - Error message

59ENAppendixBattery and chargerThiscamerausesoneOlympuslithiumionbattery(LI-50B).Noothertypeofbatteriescanbeused. Caution:Thereisa

Page 56 - Shooting tips

6ENNames of Parts1 Self-timerlamp...p.222 Flash... p.203 Multi-connector...

Page 57 - Panorama

60ENUsing an AC adapterAnACadapterisusefulfortime-consumingtaskssuchasimagedownloadstoacomputerorwhenrunningaslideshowforalongp

Page 58 - Playback/Editing tips

61ENReadout/recording process of the cardNever open the battery/card compartment cover or unplug the USB cable while the camera is reading or writing

Page 59 - Appendix

62ENIncreasing the number of pictures that can be takenEithereraseunwantedimages,orconnectthecameratoacomputerorotherdevicetosavethei

Page 60 - Using an xD-Picture Card

63ENHandling the Camera WARNINGDo not use the camera near ammable or explosive gases.Do not use the ash and LED on people (infants, small children,

Page 61 - Still pictures

64ENBattery Handling PrecautionsFollow these important guidelines to prevent batteries from leaking, overheating, burning, exploding, or causing elect


65ENBattery Handling PrecautionsThiscamerausesalithiumionbatteryspeciedbyOlympus.Donotuseanyothertypeofbattery.Ifthebattery’sterm

Page 63 - Handling the Camera

66ENDisclaimer of WarrantyOlympusmakesnorepresentationsorwarranties,eitherexpressedorimplied,byorconcerninganycontentofthesewrittenm

Page 64 - Caution for Usage Environment

67EN2 ThecustomershalltransporttheproducttothedealerorOlympusauthorizedservicestationathisownriskandshallberesponsibleforanyc

Page 65 - Legal and Other Notices

68ENSPECIFICATIONSCameraProduct type : Digital camera (for shooting and displaying)Recording systemStill pictures : Digital recording, JPEG (in accord

Page 66 - For customers in Europe

69ENLithium ion battery (LI-50B)Product type : LithiumionrechargeablebatteryModel No. : LI-50BA/LI-50BBStandard voltage : DC3.7VStandard capacity

Page 67 - Trademarks

7EN126785349101112131 Shutterbutton...p.15,542 nbutton...p.133 Zoomlever...



Page 69 - Battery charger (LI-50C)

71ENFluorescentlamp1/2/3wxy... 27FORMAT...39Format...

Page 70

72ENShootingstillpictures(Fullautomode)A... 19ShootingstillpicturesK...15SHUTTERSOUND...

Page 71


Page 72

8ENMonitorShooting mode display12M+2.0 1/30 F3.2P4INISO1600NORM181011913151617 12142322212019182 54 763+2.0IN00:34VGA1511011913 121417232019182 54 73

Page 73 - VN061802

9ENPlayback mode display12M2009.08.26 12:30 4+2.0F3.210INx100-0004NORM1/1000ISO 160029108671134 5115161213142009.08.26 12:30100-000400:14/00:34INVGA15

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